Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Will Smith: Miami

That song does have a point -it describes quite well the Miami and South Beach areas. The heat is definately on, the water is really clear and cars quite expensive -and the parties do go out until the break of dawn. And this seen from a point of view of a budget traveller! I was positively surprised by the city.

The journey out of Jamaica tested nerves, but I made it. I had hidden all the objects that indicated they were cuban made on my person and the 40-minute "chat" (as the customs official called it) plus extensive baggage search did not provide them with a reason to deny entry. Thanks to the recent terrorist activity I got my bag searched in every possible corner, unlike other passengers. I must look suspicious then..

Arriving I immediately sensed the total change of atmosphere, but after all this time it sure feels good to get some real service, on time and without something missing or wrong (ok, one has to pay up to 15% for it too, many times included in the price..). I also met 5 Finns during the past 3 days, one of whom accompanied me for a trip to the Florida Keys (and, coincidentally, who I had met in my student life adventures earlier). We rented a convertible (oh, yeah) and cruised for a day around the southern tip of Florida and Miami with all its beaches, clubs and celebrity homes. Enjoying the junk food culture and Mexican immigrants' cooking to the max, sipping rum runners and catching the last decent rays of sun on the trip -that's all that Miami was about. I can recommend it.

Art deco of Miami:

Picture 001

Hotel backyard of the rich and shameless (not including me just yet):

Picture 010

South Beach, not too sunny that day:

Picture 014

Cruisin' on the bay:

Picture 036

Shaq's flat and a typical boat passing by:

Picture 053

House of the champs:

Picture 072

On the road:

Picture 012

Picture 028

Picture 105

Picture 090

(in this one me and Kalle are breaking the law at 70 mph in the Florida Keys)

The Southernmost point of the continental USA, in Key West:

Picture 097


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